
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fortune Spells + Wish Spells

Since I'm very much a beginner in wicca, I decided to choose some spells to try that are a littler on the easy side for me to practice with.

I got many of these from a friend's book called "The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells."
I'm not sure how well they will work, so I will be updating how they go as I go on in this blog.

Basic Candle Spell

1. take a red candle and charge it with your vision and desire.
2. (it maybe any shape you desire, cat, ect.)
3. dress it with Van Van, black cat, lucky loadstone, and/or crown of success.
4. burn candle.

The 7-11 Lucky Cat Spell

1. black cat candle dressed with black cat oil.
2. burn on consecutive nights
 example: night 1 you burn for 7 minutes, night 2 you burn for 11 minutes, etc.
3. burn back and forth until candle is gone.
4. you should see a change in your fortune.

Lucky Charm Bracelet Spell

1. choose charm/bracelet that represents your goal
2. on new moon place charm/bracelet by small pink candle
3. wear it out or in a safe place
4. when goal is achieved, do it again if another problem arises.

Breaking Bad Luck
1. Blend the following together:

- nine dried bay leaves, crumbled
- frankincense
- juniper berries
- cloves
- dried dill
- dried fennel
- dried tarragon

2. make a good majority, carry some with you and keep the rest as popouri.

Change Your Fortune Bag
1. carry dried violets in a red silk bag

Lucky Cat Candle Wish Spell

(Color coordination:  Green > money, red/pink > love, black > resolves problems)
1. carve/dress candle
2. write your wish on paper
3. burn your paper, use the paper as a match to light the candle
4. murmur wish/incantation until the paper is ash

Nine of Cups Wish Spell
1. remove the card from deck
2. place card up right between a gold and silver candle
3. light candles and gaze at card and clearly articulate what you truly want.
4. when candles burn down, and place card under pillow.

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