
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tumblr spells:

(Tumblr user: Broomstraws)

"Purpose - To help make empathy easier. 
You Will Need - A Tarot Deck. An envelope. A pen. A red candle.
Notes - See the original ask with my notes here
Step One - Take the Two of Cups from a Tarot deck and one card to signify yourself. Place them together, facing, and put them in an envelope. 
Step Two - Seal the envelope. Draw a heart over the seal. Light a red candle and drip the wax onto the heart, filling the shape as best you can. 
Step Three - Leave this in the envelope from a New Moon to a Full Moon—preferably under your pillow or tucked under your mattress."

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(Tumblr user: Natural-magics)

Depression Healing from Sun Spell

"I know this is obvious - but, spend more time in the sun. especially if you are doing any exercises, which is something that can also help a lot with depression. read outside, meditate outside, go for walks, etc. find a peaceful place, ideally under some shade to read or meditate. you can set up an altar dedicated to the sun. use solar symbols, warm colors, flowers, and crystals and/or herbs associated with the sun and happiness.
here is a sun charm that you can make:
  • 3 small citrine
  • 3 small sunstone
  • 1 teaspoon lemon balm
  • 1 teaspoon chamomile
  • 1 teaspoon calendula
  • 1/2 teaspoon St John’s Wort
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • a yellow or orange pouch/sachet
  • a yellow, orange or gold candle (and a carving tool)
this is best done outside on a quiet, sunny morning (or, you can open a window and work at the windowsill), but you can do this any time during the day. gently mix the herbs and sea salt together in a bowl while thinking of positive thoughts and anything that makes you feel happy. visualize the herbs being infused with positive, light energy. next, carve a symbol of the sun into the candle, then light it. as you do so, say:
“This candle is charged with the strength and warmth of the sun.”
combine all of the herbs and stones into the pouch. after you’ve filled the pouch, tie it closed and hold it in your hands. close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of the sun on your skin. now say the following:
I am alive
As the earth is alive,
I have the power
to take back my happiness.
I have the strength, and I will heal
Like the sun, my spirits shall rise.
I have the strength, and I will heal.
Like the sun, my spirits shall rise.
allow the charm bag to charge in the sun for a day, then keep the charm bag close to you, and burn the candle for 15 minutes every day.  you can repeat this as much as you like. 
other crystals and stones: carnelian, amber, fire agate, orange calcite, yellow aventurine, yellow obsidian, golden topaz
other herbs: almond, bay, bergamot, cinnamon, clove, eyebright, feverfew, ginger, pine, angelica, juniper, marigold, mistletoe, olive branch, passionflower, peony, rice, rosemary, rue, saffron, sunflower, and anything citrus"

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Inner Peace Spell

Materials needed:
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 light blue canlde
  • 1 quartz crystal
  • 1 amethyst
  • lavender incense
This spell works best if performed during a waxing moon. Place your items on your altar. If you would like cast your circle or any other form of boundary protection. Light the candles and incense. Speak the following three times:
Warmth within, my spirit alive, soothing each limb, senses revive.
Inner peace moves through my body with ease, come into me once, my spirits alive.
Come into me twice, my happiness thrives,
Three times and I’m done, inner peace is now mine. 
As you speak these words envision yourself surrounded by a warm soothing light. You can also picture other calming things, such as a stormy ocean settling. Once you are finished close your circle and snuff out your candles. 
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Release Intense Emotions Spell

Perform this easy spell to calm yourself when dealing with intense emotions, anxiety or anything stressful. By ridding yourself of this excess emotional energy, you can help your mind and body stay healthy during a stressful time.
  • a sheet of unlined paper and a pen
  • a black candle (to banish negativity)
  • a bowl of purified water
  • sea salt
  • a fireproof receptacle (cauldron/pot/jar)
Light the candle and add the sea salt to the bowl of water. On the paper, write down any fears, frustrations or concerns you may be feeling. Let the words come flowing from inside you, do not hold back. If you feel like saying the words aloud as you write them, do so. Once you are finished, fold the paper and burn it in the candle flame — place it in the cauldron/pot/jar and allow it to burn to ash. After you burn the paper, dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle yourself with it while saying:
"I release these words,
I release this tension,
I release this negativity from my life.”
When you’re ready, scatter the ashes outside.

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Spell for Healing/Happiness/Protection

  • basil
  • rosemary
  • nutmeg
  • sage
  • lavender
  • bloodstone
  • tealight
  • green ribbon
  • small green bag or square of fabric
What to Do:
1. First make sure you are doing this on a night with a full moon. Combine your herbs together and if you have a mortar grind them into a powder.
2. Put the herbs into the bag, along with the bloodstone.
3. Light the tealight and repeat this chant:
The Earth has a power all her own, 
She shares it with us all in her herbs,
With this flame I give my prayer for
happiness in myself
health in everyday
and protection from my demons and others.
4. Now close the bag and tie it off with your ribbon. Let the tealight burn out completely. After it does your spell is complete. Keep the bag near you, in your room, desk, or purse. You can recharge it every full moon if you want.
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Emotional Cleansing Spell

  • Rain water (if you don’t have this, use filtered water or tap water)
  • Rosemary (just the leaves, no stems)
  • A few drops of essential oil; use which ever scent that will make you the happiest
  • A small pinch of salt (you’ll want it to dissolve)
  • Lavender
  • Chamomile
  • A bowl
  • A wash cloth
Put the water into a bowl. Add the essential oil, the salt and the herbs. Take a wash cloth and rub the spell water on your skin. While doing so, I want you to imagine all of your troubles, all of your baggage being washed away by the cleansing water. You can bathe however much you are comfortable with, whether it be your whole body or just patches. Continue to bathe until you are feeling cleansed and relaxed. If you have water left over, strain the herbs from it and deposit them in the trash, and dump the water outside or down the sink. 

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No. 1: To be said under the moon.
Wise and loving moon aglow,
You see my ideal match and know.
Draw them in and draw them near.
Give me the sight to find them dear.
Bring a partner close to me,
And, if we part, let it be happily.
No. 2: To be said over a love-drawing charm.
Bring me a love that’s good and kind,
and give me the grace to make them mine.
No. 3: To be said whenever going out.
I wandered the world, grand and wide,
and returned home with a love at my side.

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Purpose: To help with studying and success on a test.
You Will Need: Your notes or textbook. Two candles. A piece of paper and a pen. 
Step One - Set your notes or textbook open on a flat surface. Place one candle on either side. 
Step Two - Copy this symbol onto your piece of paper and place it in the front of your book/notes (or in the section you’re studying):
Step Three - Light the first candle and recite:
I light this candle for thought. Let its flame warm and invigorate my mind. Let my thoughts be clear through my test and it’s preparation. 
Step Four - Light the second candle and recite:
I light this candle for memory. Let its flame guide me to remember the right material. Let my memory serve me through my test.
Step Five - Let the candles burn down. Keep you seal in your book/notes.
Step Six - Study.

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Purpose: To encourage rain or storms. 
You Will Need: A jar. Water (preferably rainwater, but any water will do). A candle.
Step One - Fill the jar with water. Dip your fingers into the water and dab some water onto your forehead. Dip them again and sprinkle some on the threshold or your house.
Step Two - Screw the lid onto the jar, take it outside and place it somewhere on your porch, fence post, steps, etc.
Step Three - Set the candle on top of, or next to the jar and recite:
With this candle’s light I ask for plentiful rain to refresh this weary land.**
Step Four - Let the candle burn down and leave the jar in its place until it rains. When the rain down come, pour the water onto the ground as it is still raining.
**From Psalms 68:9 (NLT)

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Purpose - To help use/utilize psychic abilities.  
You Will Need - A Tarot Deck. An envelope. A pen. A white, black, or purple candle.
Step One - Take the Magician from a Tarot deck and one card to signify yourself. (You can also use the High Priestess, the Three of Wands, the Hermit, or the Fool if you prefer. All have to to with magical/psychic abilities or new paths.) Place the two cards together, facing, and put them in an envelope. 
Step Two - Seal the envelope. Draw an eye over the seal. Light your candle and drip the wax onto the heart, filling the shape as best you can. 
Step Three - Leave this in the envelope from a New Moon to a Full Moon—preferably under your pillow or tucked under your mattress.

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